Why am I obsessed with LIP ART??
I have been in a phase....(or maybe it's not a phase) of painting LIPS. I have been asked on multiple occasions, why I like to do lip ART. The answer is very simple. I LIKE lips! There is no deep reason on why I started; I just think they are fun to paint. I love wearing lipstick so I enjoy painting different color lips and creating fun designs.
For me, they symbolize sexuality and sensuality. They are also a portal for our thought process. We think something and then our lips allow us to speak it out LOUD. There is a beauty behind the whole symbolism. It is also the organ in which we take in food…and food is essential and delicious might I say.
So the question should be...
Why wouldn’t I paint lips? They are quite powerful and a great way to express oneself; Kissing, eating, singing. I could go on but I'm sure you get the point.
